The other day I got quite the suprise. I had a couple of visitors. It was Beretie and Hun. They came by to share some our of seeds along our east fence. Bertie is in the Lilac bush and Hun is on the grass. If you don't recognize them they are Hungarian Partridge. I used to hunt them years ago.
We have a lot of birds in our neighbor hood especialy robbins. The Robbins are led by captain Red Breast. He is joined by Jennifer Red Breast. The two of them and the rest of the heard are great at bombing houses and fences. A bunch of birds are normaly called a flock but this bunch is more of a herd. The other day I was out in the yard and I heard Captain Red Breast chirp out, three worms for all who hit the house, 10 worms if you hit the man! Over on path along the river when you walk it is almost like walking in a corral, there is so much feces (POOP). Johnny Starling and his group is making almost as much a mess as the robbins. The enviromentalist need to do some thing. It is wrong to walk in bird poop.