Friday, November 20, 2009

Steelhead fishing 2009

Fishing was great catching not so good. During the week Clay, Jacob and I had into 90 fish but only landed 11. We missed Chet and Spencer this year (bummer). We had our worst weather this year than the prior 10. One day had ice in the guides past noon. We had cold wind, rain, snow and some sun. This picture is Jacob's first steelhead, 29 inches long, good fish.

It is hard to see but it is snowing and Jacob is taking a nap.

Clay and Jacob, raining and wind blowing.

Clay with fish on.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Colby's Blessing

On the first of August we got to share in the blessing of Colby Clay Hayes.

Friday, June 26, 2009

High Water

I don't know how the water is in your streams but ours is getting hairy. The news just reported all boat docks in Bingham county are closed due to high water. I have enclosed pictures of the river just west of the house. They also just reported they arte going to release more water out of Jackson lake. This means higher water yet.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I got to thinking, this family is quite flatulance. Maybe we could invent a little tank we could carry around and catch any methane we might relesae. If car manufactuers invent an engin that would run on methane we would never have to worry about running out of gas unless you take Beno.

Just a thought.

The fence is done

Finally the fence is done. Here are before and after pictures.
You may notice I have a visitor setting on a post in the garden. It is Hootie, he is to keep away pesty birds. He struggles with his duties, I guess it is because he is plastic. As you can see the fence is white and of course it has made a great bombing target, now when the baby robbins are just starting to fly. You all know what baby robbins do, eat and crap, again an enviromental mess the EPA won't touch. I wonder if I could sign up for one of those super funds for clean up of toxic waste.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

My Thoughts

The other day I got quite the suprise. I had a couple of visitors. It was Beretie and Hun. They came by to share some our of seeds along our east fence. Bertie is in the Lilac bush and Hun is on the grass. If you don't recognize them they are Hungarian Partridge. I used to hunt them years ago.
We have a lot of birds in our neighbor hood especialy robbins. The Robbins are led by captain Red Breast. He is joined by Jennifer Red Breast. The two of them and the rest of the heard are great at bombing houses and fences. A bunch of birds are normaly called a flock but this bunch is more of a herd. The other day I was out in the yard and I heard Captain Red Breast chirp out, three worms for all who hit the house, 10 worms if you hit the man! Over on path along the river when you walk it is almost like walking in a corral, there is so much feces (POOP). Johnny Starling and his group is making almost as much a mess as the robbins. The enviromentalist need to do some thing. It is wrong to walk in bird poop.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I may be finaly figuring this blog out. I think I will put this picture of Natalie as she drawing a picture.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Swine Flu Panick

The news people have the nation in a panick over swine flu. I belive as of this morning there were three deaths in the U S from swine flu. During 2008-2009 flu season week ending April 18th 2009 the CDC reported 55 pediactric deaths from the plain old influenza. Be concerened about both flues but just use common sense, the news would have us dead and buried.